Just purchased about 3 days ago. Though Id check it out!
First Try: Typed in name for my monkey. Hit Play...Nothing! Froze up!
So I shut my iPhone down ,rebooted.
Second Try: Got past the name monkey/play screen.
So, I am at the screen w/all the little icons. Clicked on each to see what each would do, and hopefully how to use...Each one asked if I wanted to "Play A Mini Game"? I clicked No.
Then, decided to go back to the Bananas icon. Cliced Yes to play Mini Match Game. Once game was over... Nothing happened!
Is there No sound?
So, I tried the other icons.
All that would happen...It would tell me to come back later Or See me later...Something like that...As I Have Typed So Much! I Forgot Exactly What It Said!!! I Am A Freekin Idot!
So ppl..... Whats Up With This "Virtual Monkey" I Paid .99 ?
Should I Deleat & Install Again?
.99 is not much to pay/give. However, if you are the Receiver... It could add up to some good coin